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Ledger Management

Default and experimental backends available

By default the node uses LMDB as the ledger backend, which the first part of this guide is focused on. The second part of the guide covers RocksDB, which is an experimental option available as of v20.0+.

Ledger file

The node automatically manages the full Nano ledger in the data.ldb file which can be found in the data directory at these locations:

OS Location
Windows C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\NanoTest\
macOS /Users/<user>/Library/NanoTest/
Linux /home/<user>/NanoTest/
Docker As defined by the -v flag in the docker run command
.deb/rpm /var/nanocurrency/NanoTest
OS/Build Location
Windows C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Nano\
macOS /Users/<user>/Library/Nano/
Linux /home/<user>/Nano/
Docker As defined by the -v flag in the docker run command
.deb/rpm /var/nanocurrency/Nano
OS Location
Windows C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\NanoBeta\
macOS /Users/<user>/Library/NanoBeta/
Linux /home/<user>/NanoBeta/
Docker As defined by the -v flag in the docker run command
.deb/rpm /var/nanocurrency/NanoBeta

This file will grow in size as the ledger does. As of September 2020 there are over 56 million blocks in the ledger which requires at least 29GB of free space. See hardware recommendations for more preferred node specs.

RocksDB uses many files

The above details are for the default LMDB database setup. If using RocksDB, please note that it uses potentially 100s of SST files to manage the ledger so details should be followed from the RocksDB Ledger Backend section below.

Updating the node may require a lengthy ledger upgrade

Read the guide further down this page for some tips on how to minimize downtime during an update.


Available in Version 21.0+ only

Within the node.lmdb section of the config-node.toml file, the following options can be set to better tune LMDB performance for the available resources.

Option name Details
map_size Allows the map size to be changed (default value is 128GB). This only affects the ledger database.
max_databases Maximum open LMDB databases. Increase default if more than 100 wallets is required. External management is recommended when a large amounts of wallets are required.
sync LMDB environment flags. Applies to ledger, not wallet:
  • nosync_safe: Do not flush meta data eagerly. This may cause loss of transactions, but maintains integrity (MDB_NOSUBDIR | MDB_NOTLS | MDB_NORDAHEAD | MDB_NOMETASYNC).
  • nosync_unsafe: Let the OS decide when to flush to disk. On filesystems with write ordering, this has the same guarantees as nosync_safe, otherwise corruption may occur on system crash (MDB_NOSUBDIR | MDB_NOTLS | MDB_NORDAHEAD | MDB_NOSYNC).
  • nosync_unsafe_large_memory: Use a writeable memory map. Let the OS decide when to flush to disk, and make the request asynchronous. This may give better performance on systems where the database fits entirely in memory, otherwise it may be slower. Note that this option will expand the file size logically to map_size. It may expand the file physically on some file systems. (MDB_NOSUBDIR | MDB_NOTLS | MDB_NORDAHEAD | MDB_NOSYNC | MDB_WRITEMAP | MDB_MAPASYNC).


When starting a new node the ledger must be downloaded and kept updated in order to participate on the network properly. This is done automatically via bootstrapping - the node downloads and verifies blocks from other nodes across the network. This process can take hours to days to complete depending on network conditions and hardware specifications.

Restarting node during bootstrapping not recommended

It is highly recommended to avoid restarting the node during bootstrapping as this can cause extra delays in the syncing process. An exception can be made when it is very clear from calls to the block_count RPC that block counts are stuck for multiple hours.

Tuning options

Depending on machine and networking resources, the bootstrap performance can be improved by updating the following configuration values in the config-node.toml file:

  • node.bootstrap_connections_max: up to max of 128
  • node.bootstrap_connections: up to max of 16
  • node.bootstrap_initiator_threads: set to 2

The additional resource usage these options cause should be considered, especially if left during normal operation (after initial bootstrap is complete).

Downloaded ledger files

Always backup your ledgers file

Whenever you are attempting to change the ledger, it is highly recommended you create backups of the existing data.ldb file to ensure you have a rollback point if issues are encountered.

To avoid bootstrapping times, a ledger file (data.ldb) can be downloaded off-network and added to the data file used by the node. This process is sometimes referred to as a "fast sync". The Nano Foundation uploads a new ledger file every other day for downloading in the #ledger-download channel of our Discord server. This is posted by the robot Nano Snapshots Uploader and contains checksums for validation.

Before using this method there are a few considerations to ensure it is done safely:

Data source

Make sure you trust the source providing the data to you. If you are unfamiliar with the individual or organization providing the ledger, consider other options for the data or fallback to the default of bootstrapping from the network.

Validating blocks and voting weights

Blocks are confirmed using the voting weight of representatives and these weights are determined by the account balances assigned to those representatives. In addition, the node releases contain a hard-coded set of representative weights captured at the time of the node release to help this process during bootstrapping.

If looking to use a downloaded ledger there is a risk of it providing inaccurate representative voting weights. Although the potential impacts of this are minimal, below are some recommended steps to take which can help provide additional confidence the ledger can be used.

  1. Scan the ledger for integrity using the --debug_validate_blocks CLI command. If issues are found they should be inspected carefully and alternative sources of a ledger may need to be considered as failures with this command have a high chance of indicating potentially malicious behavior.
  2. Review the differences in representative voting weights by running the --compare_rep_weights CLI command (v21.0+ only) with the new ledger in the default data directory (old ledger backed up) or in a different data directory by using the optional --data_path argument. This will compare the new ledger voting weights against the hardcoded values in the node (set at the time of release). See the CLI command for details on the output with special attention paid to entries in the outliers and newcomers sections. By inspecting those addresses in public explorers such as, this can help to determine if voting weight may have been manipulated in the downloaded ledger.

If you need support with this process or need help in evaluating some of the CLI command results, join the Node and Representative Management category on the Nano Forums.

Confirmation data

Within each account on the ledger a confirmation height is set. This indicates the height of the last block on that chain where quorum was observed on the network. This is set locally by the node and a new ledger file may include this information with it. If the ledger is from a trusted source this confirmation data can be kept, which will save bandwidth and resources on the network by not querying for votes to verify these confirmations.

If confirmation data for the ledger is not trusted the --confirmation_height_clear CLI can be used to clear these out.

Updating the node

Occasionally, updating to the latest node version requires upgrading the existing ledger which can have the following effects:

  • Significant downtime, from a few minutes to several hours, during which the node RPC is not accessible and no voting occurs. The upgrade is especially slower if the ledger is not on an SSD.
  • Temporary increased disk space usage - up to 3x the current ledger size in total (e.g. 60GB for a 20GB ledger)

In order to minimize downtime, consider performing the update in a different machine, and replacing the ledger file once complete. Note the following instructions, where Machine A has the node and ledger, and Machine B will be updating it.

  1. Create a directory /home/<user>/Nano_Update on Machine B.
  2. Stop the node on Machine A.
  3. If enough free space (at least data.ldb size) is available on Machine A:
    • Make a local copy of data.ldb in any directory.
    • Start the node again on Machine A, resuming operation.
    • Move the local copy of the ledger from Machine A to /home/<user>/Nano_Update/data.ldb on Machine B.
    • Skip the next step.
  4. If there is not enough free space on Machine A:
    • Copy data.ldb from Machine A to /home/<user>/Nano_Update/data.ldb on Machine B.
    • Start the node again on Machine A, resuming operation.
  5. Download the latest node version to Machine B. For the purposes of this guide, using a binary is easier.
  6. Run the following command on Machine B (varies based on your operating system): ./nano_node --debug_block_count --data_path /home/<user>/Nano_Update --config node.logging.log_to_cerr=true
  7. The message "Upgrade in progress..." will be displayed if a ledger upgrade is required. Wait until the command finishes and do not stop the upgrade preemptively.
  8. Copy /home/<user>/Nano_Update/data.ldb from Machine B to a temporary location on Machine A. do not overwrite data.ldb on Machine A while the node is running.
  9. Stop the node on Machine A.
  10. Replace /home/<user>/Nano/data.ldb with the transferred file.
  11. Upgrade to the latest node version on Machine A as you would do normally.

In the event that you are unable to upgrade the ledger on another machine but would still like to minimize downtime, consider obtaining the ledger from another source as a last resource.

RocksDB Ledger Backend

If you are testing RocksDB and want to discuss results, configurations, etc. please join the forum topic here:

The node ledger currently uses LMDB (Lightning memory-mapped database) by default as the data store. As of v20+ the option to use RocksDB became available as an experimental option and should not be used in production. This document will not go into much detail about theses key-value data stores as there is a lot of information available online.

Enable RocksDB

This can be enabled by adding the following to the config-node.toml file:

enable = true

The other options are:

io_threads = 4
memory_multiplier = 2
It shouldn't be necessary to update these variables manually. See TOML comments in the generated file for more information on what these do.

Migrating existing ledger from LMDB to RocksDB

An existing LMDB ledger can be upgraded by running the --migrate_database_lmdb_to_rocksdb CLI command. This process can take some time, estimates range from 20 minutes to 1 hour depending on node hardware specs. There are some internal checks which are made to determine if the migration was successful, however it is recommended to run the node first (after enabling RocksDB) for a period of time to make sure things are working as expected. After which the data.ldb file can be deleted if no longer required to save on disk space. Please also note the limitations most notably is that the unchecked_count from the block_count RPC will only be an estimate.

Ledger backend comparison:

Tested with the node for many years Recently implemented
1 file (data.ldb) 100+ SST files
Ledger size won't shrink without manual vacuum Will shrink automatically when using pruning
- Less file I/O (writes are flushed in bulk)
- More CPU heavy

* At the time of last reviewed (May 2023)

RocksDB Limitations:

  • Automatic backups not currently supported
  • Database transaction tracker is not supported
  • Cannot execute CLI commands which require writing to the database while a node is running, such as nano_node --peer_clear, these must be executed when the node is stopped

Snapshotting with RocksDB

When backing up using the --snapshot CLI option, it is currently set up to do incremental backups, which reduces the need to copy the whole database. However if the original files are deleted, then the backup directory should also be deleted otherwise there can be inconsistencies.