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Command Line Interface

nano_node commands

Command Description
--account_create --wallet=<wallet> Insert next deterministic key into <wallet>
--account_get --key=<key> Get account number for the <key>
--account_key --account=<account> Get the public key for <account>
--clear_send_ids Remove all send IDs from the database (dangerous: not intended for production use). Optional --data_path=<path>
--compare_rep_weights Displays a summarized comparison between the hardcoded bootstrap weights and representative weights from the ledger. Full comparison is output to logs. Optional --data_path=<path>.
--confirmation_height_clear Requires --account and sets the confirmation heights of the specified account to 0. Use all to reset all accounts. Do not use while the node is running.
--daemon Start node daemon. Network and path will be output.
--diagnostics Run internal diagnostics and validate existing config file (or create default config file if it doesn't exist).
--final_vote_clear Either specify a single --root to clear or --all to clear all final votes (not recommended).
--generate_config node|rpc|log Write configuration to stdout, populated with commented-out defaults suitable for this system. Use --use_defaults for uncommented values.
--help Print out options.
--initialize Initializes the data folder, if it is not already initialized. Meant for an empty data folder.
--key_create Generates an adhoc random keypair and prints it to stdout.
--key_expand --key=<key> Derive public key and account number from <key>.
--migrate_database_lmdb_to_rocksdb Deletes existing rocksdb subfolder if it exists and migrates the ledger from LMDB to RocksDB. Does not delete the data.ldb file afterwards. Optional --data_path=<path>
--online_weight_clear Clear record history for long term online weight trending. Optional --data_path=<path>
--peer_clear Clear cached peers. Optional --data_path=<path>
--rebuild_database Rebuild LMDB database with --vacuum for best compaction. Requires approximately data.ldb size * 2 free space on disk.
--snapshot Compact database and create snapshot, functions similar to vacuum but does not replace the existing database. Optional: --unchecked_clear, --clear_send_ids, --online_weight_clear, --peer_clear, --confirmation_height_clear.
--unchecked_clear Clear unchecked blocks. Optional --data_path=<path>
--update_config Reads the current node configuration and updates it with missing keys and values and delete keys that are no longer used. Updated configuration is written to stdout.
--vacuum Compact database. If data_path is missing, the database in the data directory is compacted. Optional: --unchecked_clear, --clear_send_ids, --online_weight_clear, --peer_clear, --confirmation_height_clear, --rebuild_database. Requires approximately data.ldb size * 2 free space on disk.
--validate_blocks Validate blocks in the ledger, includes checks for confirmation height. Optional --threads for multithreaded validation.
--version Prints out version.
Insert <key> into <wallet>.
Creates a new wallet with optional <seed> and optional <password>, and prints the ID.
Changes seed for <wallet> to <seed>.
Decrypts <wallet> using <password>.
--wallet_destroy --wallet=<wallet> Destroys <wallet> and all keys it contains.
Imports keys in <filepath> using <password> into <wallet>. If the wallet id does not exist and --force is included, a new wallet will be created with the provided wallet id value.
--wallet_list Dumps wallet IDs and public keys.
Remove <account> from <wallet>.
Prints default representative for <wallet>.
Set <account> as default representative for <wallet>.

Launch Options

The node is typically run like this:

./nano_node --daemon [--launch_options]

Intended for developer use

These options are only for developer use so please understand the impacts before use.

Option Description
--network Allows selection of a different network at runtime. Values live, beta and test supported.
--data_path=<path> Use the supplied <path> as the data directory.
--config key=value Pass node configuration values. This takes precedence over any values in the configuration file. This option can be repeated multiple times.
--rpcconfig key=value Pass RPC configuration values. This takes precedence over any values in the configuration file. This option can be repeated multiple times.
--enable_pruning "Enable experimental ledger pruning"
--block_processor_batch_size Increase block processor transaction batch write size, default 0 (limited by config block_processor_batch_max_time), 256k for fast_bootstrap.
--block_processor_full_size Increase block processor allowed blocks queue size before dropping live network packets and holding bootstrap download, default 65536, 1 million for fast_bootstrap.
--block_processor_verification_size Increase batch signature verification size in block processor, default 0 (limited by config signature_checker_threads), unlimited for fast_bootstrap.
--fast_bootstrap legacy bootstrap: Increase bootstrap processor limits to allow more blocks before hitting full state and verify/write more per database call. Also disable deletion of processed unchecked blocks.
--allow_bootstrap_peers_duplicates legacy bootstrap: Allow multiple connections to the same peer in bootstrap attempts.
--inactive_votes_cache_size Increase cached votes without active elections size, default 16384.
--vote_processor_capacity Vote processor queue size before dropping votes, default 144k.
--disable_activate_successors Disables activate_successors in active_elections
--disable_add_initial_peers Disables the add initial peers function called on startup which reads the peers table and contacts all the peers listed in it.
--disable_ascending_bootstrap Disable ascending bootstrap
--disable_backup Turn off automatic wallet backup process.
--disable_block_processor_republishing Disables block republishing by disabling the local_block_broadcaster component
--disable_block_processor_unchecked_deletion Disable deletion of unchecked blocks after processing.
--disable_bootstrap_bulk_pull_server Disables the legacy bulk pull server for bootstrap operations
--disable_bootstrap_bulk_push_client Disables the legacy bulk push client for bootstrap operations
--disable_bootstrap_listener Turn off listener on the bootstrap network so incoming TCP (bootstrap) connections are rejected. Note: this does not impact TCP traffic for the live network.
--disable_lazy_bootstrap Turn off use of lazy bootstrap.
--disable_legacy_bootstrap Turn off use of legacy bootstrap.
--disable_max_peers_per_ip Disables the limit on the number of peer connections allowed per IP address
--disable_max_peers_per_subnetwork Disables the limit on the number of peer connections allowed per subnetwork
--disable_ongoing_bootstrap Turn off the ability for ongoing bootstraps to occur.
--disable_ongoing_telemetry_requests Disables ongoing telemetry requests to peers
--disable_providing_telemetry_metrics Do not provide any telemetry data to nodes requesting it. Responses are still made to requests, but they will have an empty payload.
--disable_rep_crawler Turn off the rep crawler process.
--disable_request_loop Turn off the request loop.
--disable_search_pending Disables the periodic search for pending transactions
--disable_tcp_realtime Turn off use of TCP live network (TCP for bootstrap will remain available).
--disable_unchecked_cleanup Prevent periodic cleaning of unchecked table.
--disable_unchecked_drop Prevent drop of all unchecked entries at node/wallet start.
--disable_wallet_bootstrap Turn off use of wallet-based bootstrap.

Debug commands

Command Description
--debug_account_count Display the number of accounts.
--debug_account Display the total counts of each version for all accounts (including unpocketed).
--debug_block_count Display the number of blocks.
--debug_block_dump Print ledger blocks - use with caution due to the potentially large amount of data this can output.
--debug_bootstrap_generate Generate bootstrap sequence of blocks.
--debug_cemented_block_count Display the number of cemented blocks (blocks which are under the confirmation height of their accounts).
--debug_dump_frontier_unchecked_dependents Dump frontiers which have matching unchecked keys.
--debug_dump_online_weight List online weights table and current online_weights value.
--debug_dump_representatives List representatives and weights.
--debug_generate_crash_report After a node crash on Linux, this command reads the dump files generated from that crash and produces a "nano_node_crash_report.txt" file. Requires addr2line to be installed on the system.
--debug_opencl Profile OpenCL work generation for (optional) --device=<device> on --device=<platform> using --threads=<threads> count.
--debug_output_last_backtrace_dump Output the stacktrace stored after a node crash.
--debug_profile_bootstrap Profile simulated bootstrap process.
--debug_profile_frontiers_confirmation Profile frontiers confirmation speed.
--debug_profile_generate Profile work generation. Optional: --pow_sleep_interval which sets an amount to sleep (in nanoseconds) between batches of POW calculations when using the CPU. --difficulty, --multiplier (only the latter is used if both given) to set the work generation threshold.
--debug_profile_kdf Profile kdf function.
--debug_profile_sign Profile signature generation.
--debug_profile_validate Profile work validation.
--debug_profile_votes Profile vote verification.
--debug_rpc Allows running RPC commands without enabling the RPC server. Not recommended for daily usage. Example: echo '{"action": "block_count"}' | nano_node --debug_rpc
--debug_stacktrace Prints a stacktrace example, useful to verify that it includes the desired information, such as files, function names and line numbers.
--debug_sys_logging On *nix system this checks writing to the system log. On Windows it writes to the event viewer, a registry entry needs to exist for this to work correctly which can be created by running this command for the first time as an administrator.
--debug_unconfirmed_frontiers Prints the account, height, frontiers and cemented frontier for all accounts which are not fully confirmed. Sorted by height in descending order.
--debug_validate_blocks Alias to --validate_blocks.
--debug_verify_profile Profile signature verification.
--debug_dump_trended_weight Dump trended weights table
--debug_profile_process Profile active blocks processing (only for nano_dev_network)
--debug_random_feed Generates output to RNG test suites
--debug_peers Display peer IPv6:port connections
--debug_prune Prune accounts up to last confirmed blocks EXPERIMENTAL


Command Description
--vote_dump Dump most recent votes from representatives.